Astrology Index
Numerology Index is designed to help you learn to prepare your own astro readings, but if you're in a hurry and want help, Michael has a deal for you! Personal, complete, and professional, his inexpensive astrology natal chart and complete year forecast readings are hard to resist.  More information.

The Astrodienst page keeps changing and it is hard to keep up with. This direct link to Astrodienst should put you on the screen offering a free natal chart. If this link fail to work properly for this purpose, please let me know.
Currently, in addition to the chart, Astrodienst offers a link entitled "Click to get the additional tables" which produces a document delineating the planetary and house positions, and defining the orb of the various aspects found. You will find this page very helpful.
Be sure to use accurate time of birth. It's worth the few minutes it takes to check your birth certificate.
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© Michael McClain 1996-2008.  Permission is granted for unlimited noncommercial use.  All other rights reserved.