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Planes of Expressions; Modes

If the charting of your name places approximately half of the letters in just one of the three modes of behavior: inspired/creative, mutable/adaptive or grounded/balanced, then it would be assumed that you have strong tendencies toward this mode of behavior.

If the charting of your name places as many as approximately 80%, or for example 15 of 19 letters in a name, in two of the three modes, then it would be said that your tendencies combine these two.

Here are readings defining the tendencies brought about by the preponderance of letters in your name

Creative/Inspired tendencies

The concept of creative letters is synonymous with movement, or the nature of letters giving movement or action to the nature. This suggests that you are a person who is inclined toward constant activity, with efforts directed at the here and now. You are ambitious and ready to go after whatever it is you want without hesitation. You are likely to act immediately on issues that come to your attention, never sitting idly by waiting for someone else to get things started. Positively expressed, creative letters produce constructive initiative. Yet sometimes they produce thoughtless actions that gain little.

Creative/Grounded tendencies

The combination of most of the letters in the creative and Grounded mode suggests that you are a person who is inclined toward constant activity, while holding firmly to your views and convictions. Your efforts are directed at the here and now, and you are usually able to achieve whatever it is you undertake purely from the strength of your determination. You are ambitious rather than adaptable, strong-willed and resistant to external influences, and yet always ready for the next challenge. You set values and ideals high, and attainment is a constant goal. The creative influences may make you charge off in many different directions and the Grounded letters will want to finish everything that you start. So, you are the type of person that is apt to overload and over-extend yourself.


The combination of most of the letters in the creative and Adaptable mode suggests that you are a person who is inclined toward constant activity, but this activity must provide variety and change. Your efforts are directed at the here and now, but decision-making can sometimes be a problem. You are likely to act immediately on issues that come to your attention, but not without paying attention to the lessons from the past. Sometimes, you may dwell on the past a little too long. Positively expressed, creative letters produce constructive initiative, while the Adaptable tone allows you to always be flexible. You are able to fit easily into most situations, and you produce results wherever you fit in. You are devoted rather than ambitious.

No Creative Letters in the Name

A lack of creative letters suggests a lack in initiative and drive unless these attributes are shown elsewhere in the core elements. Not one to pursue desires actively, you sometimes look to others to satisfy them for you. You wait for opportunities rather than forcing the issue and making your own breaks.

Grounded Tendencies

The strength in the Grounded letters in your chart suggests that you hold to fixed or rigid ideals and goals. What you may lack in daring, you make up for in perseverance. You are usually able to achieve whatever you undertake, purely from the strength of your determination. You are extremely strong-willed and resistant to external influences. You set values and ideals over individuals and situations, sometimes in an uncompromising manner. Your great strengths are loyalty, constancy and dependability. The down side of a Grounded chart is the likelihood of too much of a fixed or stubborn nature. Compromise is hard for you because giving in is nearly impossible. You may be so rigid that you can't roll with the punches.


The combination of most of the letters in the Grounded and Adaptable modes produce certain conflicts in your nature. Although these two approaches are quite different and contradictory, you are apt to express both; a rigid and unyielding, persistent and determined Grounded approach, but with the ability to adapt, change, and work around obstacles when it becomes clear that flexibility is the only way to win. Your freedom is extremely important to you because you're set in your ways. You plan mediation give and take carefully, and often win in negotiations.

Grounded Absence

Because your chart is void or nearly void in Grounded letters, you may be better at starting things than finishing them. Either you become bored with something soon after beginning it, or you take on so much that you don't have the energy or focus to accomplish anything. You may have difficulty in various aspects of your life, frequently changing jobs, lovers, residences, and even your beliefs and ideas on many of life's weightier issues.
Adaptable Tendencies
The tendencies of Adaptable letters in your chart denotes flexibility, and you may be so changeable that it is almost impossible to pin you down. You have the ability to go off in several directions at the same time, and it can be difficult focusing your attention to one thing for very long. You are able to fit easily into most situations. You adapt yourself to all sorts of experiences in life, and like a chameleon, you are able to adjust. Personal and sentimental, you are concerned with people rather than ideals or personal ambitions. You have an inner desire for much personal freedom, though you may find decision-making and self-directed actions difficult. You learn from the past, and in fact, you may occasionally dwell in the past rather than concentrating on the future. You're flexible and ingenious in emergencies because of your innate ability to improvise.

Adaptable Absence

Your chart is nearly void of letters in the Adaptable mode suggesting that you may have difficulties with changes in your life. You are very cautious about trying new things and prefer to remain loyal to the status quo. Because changes threaten you, you may stay stuck in a rut. Your inflexibility isn't necessarily due to stubbornness or ego (although both may contribute in this case), but stems instead from a desire to maintain order and stability in your life.

The Letters in your Name are Balanced

Since the modes of the letters in your name are so well balanced, you have enough of the creative influence to get a project going; enough of the Grounded influence to stay on track and get the job done; enough of the Adaptable mode to generally be flexible and accept change when necessary. Well, maybe you're not quite perfect, but having a good balance is helpful in many ways.

© Michael McClain 1996-2012.  Permission is granted for unlimited noncommercial use.  All other rights reserved.

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